About the Artist
Alexander Dik's artwork reveals a profound inner conflict. His works are a reflection of how pain can be transformed into transformative experiences, uncertainty acts as a fuel for creative expression, and beauty blossoms in the midst of apparent chaos. His images and compositions reveal a rich spectrum of shades and nuances, far from simple dualisms.
This inner conflict arises from his early years and adolescence. As a Russian-German, he found himself in an identity crisis both in the USSR and in Germany. In Berlin Marzahn he was confronted with social injustice and violence and learned violent dialogue as a survival strategy.
The path of martial arts proved to be a turning point in his biography. He became a successful heavyweight taekwondo athlete and successful entrepreneur. But the dream of becoming a painter remained omnipresent. Despite his inner urge and deepest desire to express and communicate through painting, Alexander had to practice painting secretly for decades and hide it from his more conservative environment. In 2019, despite all the headwinds, he decided to study art and thus “out” as a painter and artist.
Alexander creates impressive, colorful works. Complexity in material, expression and interpretation creates powerful, dense and profound works. The urge to create inner balance finds form in light, bright and single-layered works. The balancing act between the brutal expression of accumulated feelings and experiences and the relief of breathing deeply and relaxation is reflected in his works.